3 on 3 Basketball for Kids & Parents
As parents, we want our kids to shine in the sports they play. It's the smiles on their faces we love to capture, and the valuable lessons from competition and teamwork can be just as important. Our plates are already full, over-flowing probably, with activities and responsibilities. So when we consider signing our children up for one more thing, let’s face it, it better be worth it. Being worth it means it doesn’t drain our pocketbook or fill up our calendar. It means our kids are loving (almost) every minute of it and reaping some sort of benefit in the process.
Just do a quick google search and it is apparent that 3 on 3 basketball is on the rise nationwide. 3 on 3 Hoops Hub, with 20+ years invested in the 3 on 3 basketball business, is the leader in delivering 3 on 3 basketball leagues for kids. As we examine the 3 on 3 basketball experience, it becomes clear why it is the latest and greatest basketball trend.
[3 on 3 Hoops Hub, a company dedicated to growing the 3 on 3 basketball opportunities for kids, emerged from our thriving company, Midwest 3 on 3, that originated in Minnesota in 1997. Midwest 3 on 3 has hosted hundreds of 3 on 3 basketball leagues and is the industry’s clear leader.]
See what a Midwest 3 on 3 League Looks Like (video)
More Action For A Fraction Of The Usual Cost & Time
Parents familiar with 5 on 5 basketball realize some of its less favorable elements. There are a number of reasons that players and their families enjoy and benefit from the 3 on 3 format.
Player Development: How many times have you seen the tallest player on a team pegged for the post position? Likewise, a smaller player is likely to be a guard. Pigeon-holing a player into a role at a young age can result in a player possessing an underdeveloped skill set. Those post players can be great at rebounding and under-the-basket moves but less skilled in ball handling and passing. And what about those guards and their rebounding skills? Being a well-rounded basketball player is a big advantage when it comes time to make that high school varsity team.
In a 3 on 3 setting, all players will handle the ball away from and under the basket. And since we aren’t awarding trophies to the winners and coaching is not allowed in our leagues, kids get to work on all aspects of the game without the fear of being yelled at or worrying about making a mistake. And that’s exactly how they will improve – by having lots of opportunities to make errors – without playing under the “win at all costs” philosophy.
Financial Obligation: 5 on 5 opportunities can vary significantly in price and for the most part, the more you pay the more you play. More and more of these experiences offer out of town tournaments. This leads to hotel and other travel expenses. And let’s not forget the rising expense of paying the admission fees for your family to watch your child’s games.
3 on 3 leagues provide an incredibly affordable way to get your basketball fix. For about $13/week (and in most cases not a dollar more to get in the door), your child can play basketball in a fast-paced, stress-free atmosphere.
Touches = Opportunities: With only 2 other teammates on the court, players can expect to be touching the ball a lot more than when sharing the court with 9 other ballers. With increased involvement in the action, the inevitable outcome is faster improvement. Plus, being a necessary part of the action at all times is so much more fun than running that 5 on 5 play where your role is to pick and then hide out in the corner hoping for the ball to find its way to you.
Open The Midwest 3 on 3 Case Study To View The Astounding Difference In Cost Per Touch
The Most Precious Resource – TIME: When families choose a 3 on 3 league, they know for certain where the games will be each week. There’s no running across town or booking weekend hotel rooms. Practices are not part of the deal so that eliminates more time spent in the car. Your child plays two 20-minute games per date and you can be out that gym door heading back home in about an hour. Compare that to the hours you dedicate to basketball when your child has a weekend tournament with multiple games spread out over the 2 or 3 days.
Responsive To Scheduling Needs: We are busy people. Our families are juggling work, school and myriad other responsibilities. So when you sign your child up and you pay for something you want to be certain you can be there. Have you ever heard of a 5 on 5 basketball tournament asking you if you have any schedule constraints for the weekend? Not likely. 3 on 3 Hoops Hub basketball leagues allow you to submit your schedule needs and will try to honor as many of them as possible.
Fun For Kids, Manageable For Families
It sure seems that sports for our children has evolved into a year-round, uber-competitive way of life. It’s so different than the way we grew up with sports. Not that it is all bad, but if you are looking for a little reprieve from the basketball demands, joining a 3 on 3 league may reduce sports-stress and bring back some normalcy to your home.
Friends & Fun: 3 on 3 is not just for the elite basketball player. It’s a perfect environment for beginning players and everyone in between too. Because our son and his best friend possessed considerably different skill sets, the basketball try-out process never allowed for them to be placed on the same 5 on 5 team. Both boys look back on the years and years of playing 3 on 3 together as some of their fondest sports memories together. 3 on 3 is one of the rare opportunities for athletes to form their own teams and play with their friends.
In addition to playing basketball with their friends, our 3 children enjoyed dreaming up creative team names, “Trees & Threes” and “Your Worst Nightmare” were two of my favorites. In addition, the player’s like choosing the team’s shirt color.
Leadership Skills & Discovery: Since no coaching is allowed in 3 on 3, the players themselves learn to take on leadership skills. In addition to formulating creative team names and choosing their jersey color, they divvy up playing time and create their own plays. Between games they can hang out and strategize for the next game. Without adults telling them how to play, players learn basketball through inquiry and experimentation to see what works. Suddenly setting picks and making good cuts makes sense and they no longer need the coach directing their every on-court move.
Competitive Guidelines For All: We’ve all seen them, the over-the-top parent. The parents who are so in to their child’s athletics that they seem to lose their minds, oftentimes to the embarrassment of their child. The philosophy of a 3 on 3 Hoops Hub league is: no coaching. That means that parents do not get to yell instructions to their child during the game. Trust me, I know it is difficult to comply. I was certainly guilty of this when my oldest child began playing in our leagues. But as I drove my son and his friends to a league one night, I asked them what their favorite thing about 3 on 3 was. Unanimous answer was NO COACHES. My son followed up with, “Yeah, mom, it’s the one place where you and dad can’t yell at me while I play basketball.” Eye-opening moment for me.
While 3 on 3 games are competitive and the players know who won and lost the game, no records are kept and no awards are won. It is certainly an uncommon practice in today’s sports but it truly brings out the love of playing basketball when winning a prize isn’t the goal.
One Simple Fact – 3 on 3 Basketball Offers An Incredible Experience For Kids & Parents Alike
Add up the benefits of participating in a 3 on 3 basketball league and you have a family gem. Stats from our case study (powerful numbers indeed) provide a persuasive case for its value and popularity. As more and more families join the growing movement of 3 on 3 basketball, one feature stands above all the rest. The kids absolutely love it! And what could be more important than that? Don't hesitate for one moment to explore the opportunities at 3 on 3 Hoop Hub. We are working hard to launch leagues near you!